
Tourist office is opened every day from 10 to 13 and 14 to 17.30

Pornichet’s hidden gems

Whether you’re coming for the first time, or it’s a familiar favourite, we’re sure that you don’t know everything about Pornichet!

In this section, we share our personal favourites, great deals and inside tips – in other words, all those little gems that make your stay #pornichouette!

Pornichouette = Pornichet + chouette, French for great!

5 good reasons to stay in Pornichet in spring

Spring is here, days are getting longer, the sun invites itself to the
seaside, the vegetation is rising up…
In Pornichet, spring is synonymous with strolls, idleness, relaxation,
events, discoveries…



Le printemps à Pornichet

Pornichet without a car

What about leaving the car in the garage?

Pornichet is giving you the opportunity to do so!
Human-scaled town, Pornichet is a destination where you may travel on
foot, by bike or scooter, by shuttle, by bus…

A little overview.

Tried & Tested: a day in the Thalasso Spa

At the Tourist Office, we believe in knowing everything about Pornichet, so that we can best advise all our visitors. And if that means going to spend the day in a spa so that I can describe first-hand how good it is, then I consider that my professional duty. Okay, I didn’t take much persuading. An entire day being spoilt and pampered was on offer, so I quickly grabbed the chance!

Pornichet’s Eiffel Tower(s)

‘So, what is there to see in Pornichet?’

If you’ve asked yourself this question, you’re not alone.

Nearly every visitor who comes through the doors to our Tourist Office asks the same thing, so here are some of our suggestions. But do bear in mind that it’s far from an exhaustive list, this is just the beginning!

quartier gare de pornichet

Tried & Tested: Matin Tonik

Matin Tonik? What on earth is that?

These morning events are essentially well-being sessions that take place every morning in July and August. You can try Qi Gong, yoga, postural stretching, Nordic walking or even a spot of hiking. Sessions are just 3€, a great way to unwind, get in shape and feel fabulous.

Matin Tonik etirement postural seance bien etre

Hooray, it’s raining!

So, here you are in Pornichet and the rain has changed your plans for sunbathing on the beach… You have two options: