à Pornichet

The Bonne Source Beach


An active beach

The Bonne Source Beach is a paradise for the French activity of shellfish gathering, when people come along at low tide to hunt for winkles, mussels and limpets among the rocks.
But as well as the rocks, Bonne Source Beach offers a long strip of fine sand that’s a delight for those who love to take a dip in the sea. It’s also a jealously-guarded secret spot among skim-boarders and body-boarders who love its conditions. Over time, Bonne Source Beach has become the place to be.
Immense yet somehow discreet, on-trend yet mysterious…
And don’t forget the coastal path that winds its way along the dunes, a trail that’s popular with walkers and joggers who love the views over the islands of La Pierre Percée, Baguenaud and Les Evens, over the marina, offshore beacons and lighthouses.

On site: restaurant, beach club, lifeguard station and toilets.

Plage de Bonne Source
Avenue de Bonne Source
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